UVA Outpatient Imaging Culpeper is centrally located in Culpeper, VA. Our central location is conveniently located close to home or work. Our expanded evening and weekend appointments make fitting healthcare into busy schedules even easier. Dedicated to quality and service, our accredited outpatient diagnostic center is committed to serving your community.
Affordability without Compromise.
The smarter imaging choice.

Imaging Services
We offer a full range of diagnostic and screening radiology services to Culpeper and surrounding communities. Our primary mission is to offer affordable medical imaging without compromising expertise or a compassionate experience.

Average MRI Cost:
Hospital Cost
Outpatient Cost
You Save
Value & Affordability
Choose with confidence.
The cost of imaging exams varies widely, from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, and is often more expensive at hospital-based facilities. As a dedicated outpatient center, we offer affordable pricing on imaging exams. Patients enjoy the simplicity of one bill with no additional facility fee.
Choosing the right imaging provider goes beyond cost. Having confidence in the expertise of the provider is also critical. Not getting accurate answers from the imaging exam may result in additional expenses or invasive testing which may delay early onset of treatment. Our team’s noble purpose is to elevate the care provided beyond the expected to the exceptional.
As patients increasingly take a more active role in selecting their preferred imaging provider, they should consider all the variables before making a final choice and choose an imaging provider that brings the most value to them and their family.

UVA Outpatient Imaging Culpeper is conveniently located near your home and work. Expanded evening and weekend appointments for some services make fitting healthcare into busy schedules even easier. Our accredited outpatient diagnostic center is committed to serving your community.

Exceptional Care
From the scheduler who offers the most convenient appointment to the highly-trained technologist who performs the exam, every team member at UVA Outpatient Imaging Culpeper is committed to providing a compassionate, caring experience. Each patient is important and their unique needs will be met. UVA Outpatient Imaging Culpeper appreciates patients’ high expectations and elevates the service to meet those desired needs.

Superior Technology
An accurate diagnosis depends on quality images produced by the technologist performing the exam. We invest in state-of-the-art technology so we can provide clarity to the inner workings of the body. UVA Outpatient Imaging Culpeper’s commitment to the latest technology and patient-focused design allows for exceptional image quality and improved patient comfort during the exam.

Accurate Results
All exams performed at UVA Outpatient Imaging Culpeper are interpreted by board-certified, sub-specialty fellowship trained radiologists. Patients can be confident that the expertise they receive from UVA’s radiologists, will provide the answers needed to allow their referring provider to begin treatment and care.